I would like to dedicate this blog to my dear cikgu feizan who involved in achieving my goal "to-be-slim-like-jeniferlopez", only God knows how painful it is ;p . I'm truly very touched by your effort and I think you are doing a real great job, meeting your students' goal which sometimes can be very stressful not to mention "unreasonable", especially when your students don't know what exactly they want! hehehe!...(aiseyy..terasa la plak)
One thing for sure, I have never met you in a single day without cheerful, smiley and always willing to help even when you are so busy. Keep up the good work and keep smiling :)
Last but not least, I'm proud to announce the 1st release of "Feizan's blog", which is "There are no failures, only quitters" release..So have fun cikgu, please update this blog regurlarly (if you can). Jgn malasĀ² and jgn cheating..hehehe!
Happy blogging cikgu! ;p
From:- your student yang degil, sempoii -